Thorsby Junior/Senior High School


Alternate Course Information

Alternate Delivery Courses and Video-Conferencing

Video-Conferencing classes (VC) will be offered in 2020-2021.  We have one teacher delivering the course Math 31 through videoconferencing this year.  Mr. Blackburn will be teaching our students as well as those in Warburg, Calmar and New Sarepta.  The purpose Video-Conferencing classes is to supplement student schedules and maximize course availability where necessary.

Computer Program and Services

Every grade has compulsory ICT components within their core subjects. Computer courses will be available for junior high and senior high students. The internet can be accessed from the computer lab, the library and each classroom. Upon completion of proper documentation, a student may use their own computer in the school.

Computers are intended for instructional purposes and are on a carefully controlled network. Thorsby Jr/Sr High School has developed a Computer/Internet Acceptable Use Policy that allows students to maximize the use of technology in their education. A copy of the policy is distributed to each student/parent in September for their information and signatures. We do not allow any outside software or computer games to be used on the machines without the approval of a staff member.


Learning Assistance

The Learning Assistance Program is a less restrictive alternative for students with diverse learning abilities.  Mrs. Engler will assist the student to develop a positive self-concept, self-reliance and social competence. Recognition of academic skills is provided for in the program with the goal of challenging students to an appropriate level. The ultimate goal of the program is to integrate Learning Assistance students into the mainstream program.