Thorsby Junior/Senior High School
There are three main course sequences in Mathematics (A graphing calculator (T1-84 plus) is required for all -1 and -2 sequences.)
Mathematics 10C, 20-1 and 30-1 (5 credits)
A course sequence designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical thinking skills identified for entry into post secondary programs that require the study of calculus. The topics covered within this course sequence are meant to build upon previous knowledge and to progress from simple to more complex conceptual understandings. Topics include algebra and numbers, measurement, relations and funtions, trigonometry, and perimutations, combinations and binomial theorem. Mathematics 10c is a combined course that is the starting point for both the -1 and -2 course sequences.
Mathematics 10C, 20-2 and 30-2 (5 credits)
A course sequence designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical thinking skills identified for post-secondary studies in programs that do not require the study of calculus. Topics include geometry, measurement, number and logic, logical reasoning, relations and functions, staticstics, and probablility. Mathematics 10C is a combined course that is the starting point for both the -1 and -2 course sequences.
Mathematics 10-3, 20-3 and 30-3 (5 credits)
A couse sequence designed to provide stdents with the mathematical understandings and critical thinking skills identified for entry into the majorite of trades and fro direct entry into the work force. Topics include algebra, geopmetry, measurement, number, statistics and probability.
Mathematics 31/31 AP (5 credits)
An advanced mathematics course for students who will be entering post-secondary program that recommends or require calculus as an entrance requirement. It is recommended that students take Mathematics 30-1 prior to taking Mathematics 31. Mathematics 31 is also offered in an AP program.